If only suspect infection / empyema don't only order gram stain and culture
- Cell count with diff (CBCD)
- Total Protein
- Gram stain and Culture
- Routine
- Cell count with differential
- Glucose
- Cytology
- Gram stain and Culture
- Selective Testing: Order if High Clinical Suspicion for Diagnosis
- ADA (adenosine deaminage) if considering TB
- Amylase if considering pancreatitis, esophageal rupture (malignancy, CABG, ruptured
ectopic, TB)
- Triglycerides if considering chylothorax, intrathoracic TPN infusion
- Creatinine (with serum measurement) if considering Urinothorax
- Albumin (with serum measurement) if considering CHF after diuretics (exudative
- Interferon Gamma if considering TB (malignancy, empyema)
- PCR if considering TB
- pH if considering complicated parapneumonic effusion
- I am not sure about
- Bilirubin- only if ascites also present
- Total Protein
- TB smear and culture
- Lactate
TABLE 9–3 -- Exudates: Evaluation of the Undiagnosed Exudative Effusion
Roberts: Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine, 5th ed.
Read the table for the findings to diagnose the different conditions.